Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thank you!

I'd just like to thank everyone on the Summer Scurry planning team, all of our awesome volunteers and this year's participants for a wonderful event.

Together, we raised over $50,000 for PMP cancer research. I never dreamed this was possible, especially for the first year of this event.

The planning team has already met and we have quite a few plans for improving the Scurry next year. If you have any ideas yourself, please do let us know!

By the way, next year's Scurry will be held on Saturday, August, 14, 2010, so please save the date.

Thanks again!

Lisa Kurtz Luciano
PMP Research Foundation

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I'm truly excited about an event family members and friends are planning to raise funds for PMPRF.

Here's the latest blog update - I like the logo (designed by niece Karin) a lot!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Living & Dying

Yesterday evening I learned that one of our employees had taken his own life. He was apparently overwhelmed and depressed over a pending divorce.

I know the dark pit of depression. The belief that your pain won't end; that the world would be better off without you. I don't judge his decision; I just wish we could have helped him.

As his employer, I feel that we failed this good man. Over years of employment, we failed to convince him that we were there to help him. That he could overcome anything given support and time. Some would say that's not the employer's job. In our family business, it simply is.

Shock and sadness envelop me. I'm also struck by the fact that while I am fighting for my life. my friend at work ended his much too early.

Cancer is awful. Despair, even worse.

That's what PMPRF is about. Offering hope to those with PMP that someday there will be a cure. That's a hope worth living for.